Extended PARSEC ... a tribute to the Eighties written by Stefan Bauch and Helge Spahrbier in 2021 This game has been written in "Structured Extended BASIC" SXB, which is a modern dialect of the TI Extended BASIC. Use the TI Code Editor TiCodEd to translate Standard Extended BASIC, executable on the real hardware and best of all, compilable with Harry Wilhelms BASIC Compiler. Some concessions had to be made writing in BASIC instead of Assembly language, most visibly the underground is much simpler and the stars in the background are fewer. Refueling is done with a fly-by of the surface fuel tanks when the fuel is getting low. Use the joystick to control your ship and fire your laser. Be careful to not overheat it. Press T on the keyboard to enter the time warp and pause the game. The game is provided in two binaries: 1. XP-X is the compiled program to be loaded in Extended BASIC with 32k extension 2. ExtParsec.bin is a module image to load in an emulator or onto a card like FlashROM99 or FinalGROM to play on the real machine. The source code is supplied as SXB file if you want to play with the code and as HTML as it is formatted in TiCodEd for you to peek into modern BASIC game development without installing TiCodEd, which you may download at http://www.lizardware.de/ We want to encourage you to think of your unfinished game ideas and start exploring what is now possible without assembly language. See the included "TiCodEd Beginners Manual" describing in detail how to use TiCodEd to write programs on your PC or Mac for the TI-99/4a in the 21st century, including compiling and building modules like this one. Finally, here is the original announcement from AtariAge: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Underground refueling suspended After 39 years it occurred that narrow tunnels are dangerous for spacecrafts. Engineers: We build you refueling tanks on the surface. Pilots: A fly-by refueling in the middle of a fight isn’t any safer Engineers: Yeah, but it’s cheaper to build. Pilots: F*ck you! We are proud to present you Extended Parsec! This game includes adaptations of the classical levels and a bunch of new ones. Instead of repeating levels with increased difficulties we are offering 25 distinctive levels with some references to Eighties Games Classics. The levels are a little easier than the originals, but hey, we want to entertain you for an evening, not through your whole adolescence. It is meant as a casual game for the 21st century. This game is also an example of what is possible with Harry Wilhems BASIC Compiler, XB256 and Structured Extended BASIC (SXB) / TiCodEd. SXB Source-Code, a module-image and compiled Extended BASIC of Extended Parsec is attached. Have fun! SteveB and Grammostola ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0.1 - Fixes blast issue - enables keyboard control: ESDX and . for fire