Red Planet Rescue EA5 files Use Editor/Assembler Cartridge, select option 5, type DSK1.PLANETEA5 FIAD files Use Extended Basic, type RUN "DSK1.REDPLANET" Game uses Joystick-1 When you start the game you will be controlling the mothership of your laser base, approaching various sectors of Mars. Use the joystick to control left/right and pull up for more descent speed. Pressing Fire will slow your speed. Avoid all meteors. When you land, your laser base will head off to the war-zone. When in the war-zone, there are scientists to be rescued. They are hiding among the rubble and rocks. You don't HAVE to collect all the scientists but it will improve your score if you do so. Note that when you have shot all the Martian Robot's, wether you've collected all the scientists or not, you will automatically be transported back into space heading for the next sector. If you want a higher score make sure you collect every scientist. Care must be taken as scientists can be shot to death by your laser base! Enjoy the game.