Sabre Wulf: Taking on the role of Sabreman, players must navigate an intensely colourful flip-screen jungle maze (256 screens) to recover four pieces of a lost amulet (which depicts the titular Wulf). Once all four have been collected and assembled, the Keeper guarding the maze exit can be safely passed. However, between the entrance and exit, Sabreman must fend off a constant army of tropical foes that emerge regularly from the undergrowth with his sabre. Some enemies such as scorpions, snakes and spiders are easily dispatched, but larger adversaries such as hippos, rhinos and natives can only be made to run away by fencing. Furthermore, if the player remains in one screen for too long, an invincible and lethal bushfire appears and moves around the screen, visiting all space the player can occupy, forcing the player to leave the screen. The appearance of the bushfire effectively prevents the player from 'camping', or placing Sabreman in a corner with the fire button depressed and amassing points from dispatching the constant stream of jungle creatures that appear. Along the way, the player also encounters the Wulf's territory at the bottom of the map. Unlike other guardians, the wulf is unaffected by Sabreman's sword and so must be avoided. Collectables As well as searching for the amulet, players can collect treasure for bonus points and extra lives to prolong their jungle adventure. Also available are jungle orchids that periodically grow and flower in forest glades and just need to be run over. There are several varieties of these each in a different colour and with a different effect on the player. Some give immunity to the jungle beasts or increase movement speed, while others cause negative effects such as paralysis or disorientation (reversed controls). Used wisely, they can make progress through the jungle much easier.