Extended BASIC Games

T.E.R.O: Texas Emergency Rescue Operations

By Stefan Bauch and Grammostola

TERO opening screenTERO in-game shot

Your job is simple, yet incredibly dangerous: go down a mine shaft and rescue trapped miners before they run out of supplies. But fear not! You are equipped with the latest technologies, including a personal propeller pack and a short-range Microlaser Beam along with good old-fashioned dynamite to help you avoid, and if need be eradicate all the varmins in your way including bats, snakes and other nasties. Doors can be opened with keys and many walls can be simply blown up. The game includes 10 built-in levels with additional levels available on the provided disk. Colorful, smooth and most importantly super fun to play. A level editor for Windows is also included. Very highly recommended. Programmed in XB and compiled.
Requirements:XB cartridge, 32K memory expansion,, joysticks
Executable to run: AUTOLOAD

Download T.E.R.O
Cartridge binary
Disk image with additional levels
Full package including level editor
Manual (PDF)

Castle Wolfenstein

By Stefan Bauch and Frank Euler

Castle Wolfenstein opening screenCastle Wolfenstein in-game shot

A project 40 years in the making, this game represents the vision of two teenage brothers inspired by Castle Wolfenstein on the Apple II computer to make a proper conversion for the TI 99/4A platform. You were brought by the Nazis to the castle for interrogation and torture, and you may now have the slim opportunity to escape and maybe even steal the details of Operation Rheingold! You start off with a 10-shot pistol and 3 grenades courtesy of dying fellow prisoner and you have to shoot or blow your way out of the castle while being blocked by patrolling soldiers and pursued by fanatical, and deadly, SS Stormtroopers. Look for chests for supplies and keys to open doors to help you along the way. But let's face it: your prospects of making it out alive are rather slim... I have to say I rather enjoyed it! Programmed in XB and compiled.
Requirements:XB cartridge, 32K memory expansion,, joysticks
Executable to run: AUTOLOAD

Download Castle Wolfenstein
Cartridge binary


By Mike Wayda

Wormhole opening screenWormhole in-game shot

This is a simple yet very well executed game based on the premise that a rift in time has occured with a resulting wormhole being created, and 5 intrepid robots have been tasked to enter the wormhole each by collecting scattered keys to unlock the wormhole and attempt to correct the timeline. Easier said than done because you are battling against time before the wormhole closes, and the more robots you get through the closer the resulting timeline will be to our current era. You will quickly figure out that path planning between the keys is absolutely crucial in order to minimize the time expenditure and give the subsequent robot a fighting chance. The best I've been able to achieve is 3 robots under normal difficulty, but perhaps you can do better?
Requirements:XB cartridge
Executable to run: WORMHOLEXB

Download Wormhole
Disk Image

Super Wumpus

By John Behnke

Super Wumpus opening screenSuper Wumpus in-game shot

If you are a fan of the venerable Hunt the Wumpus original game, then you're going to love this enhanced remake where additional perils and challenges are introduced, including bottomless pits, pesky bats, cave-ins and limited water supply. This is all spiced up by sarcastic and taunting comments courtesy of the speech synthesizer, making for an overall much more interesting and difficult game all while preserving the original spirit. Well done.
Requirements:XB cartridge, 32K RAM, speech synthesizer
Executable to run: SWUMPUS

Download Super Wumpus
Disk Image
Manual (PDF)

Shithouse Blues

By Retrospect

Shithouse Blues opening screenShithouse Blues in-game shot

For those without the shackles of puritanical sensitivities, this game is both very orginal and hilareous in its premise, which is simple: stop thieves from stealing toilet paper from your outhouse! Now the fact that you are using an advanced aerial drone for the task which is further complicated by the fact that there is a deadly electrical wire above said outhouse which is also protected by zapper stations and flying saucers is cause for puzzlement for sure, but just go with it. Frenetic gameplay that will invariably draw at least a smile or many. You've got to try this one out! Programmed in XB and compiled.
Requirements:XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: SHIT-X

Download Shithouse Blues
Disk Image

Marble Maze

By Ricki Baron

Marble Maze opening screenMarble Maze in-game shot

What we have here is great puzzle game where you have to guide a marble through a maze littered with keys and doors trying to gain entrance to the final doorway. There are blue and red keys which only open the doors with their respective color, as well as arrows dictating the direction of travel between different sections of the maze. And if you don't carefully plan your path, you could find yourself in an impossible situation, but fear not because you have 4 additional marbles you can tap to restart the current maze and make it right. However, if you run out of marbles, then it's game over. With 20 levels of increasing difficulty, there will be no shortage of swear words along the way. Very well executed for the more cerebral audience.
Requirements:XB cartridge
Executable to run: MARBLEMAZE

Download Marble Maze
Disk Image


By Retrospect

Gridwars opening screenGridwars in-game shot

You are the only remaining squadron of space fighters standing in the way of a ferocious alien invasion, and you have decided to bring the fight to the aliens' home turf, a grid defended by deadly roaming zappers firing lasers and bombs from the sides. To make matters worse, shot down aliens leave behind mines that explode on contact. So, to put it bluntly, this is one nasty battle requiring sharp reflexes and situational awareness that will test even the most seasoned arcade player. I love it! Programmed in XB and compiled.
Requirements:FinalGrom 99, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: AUTORUN

Download Gridwars
Cartridge binary


By Brian Gray

Pacman++ opening screenPacman++ in-game shot

Yes it's yet another version of Pacman, but unlike past pale imitations, this one is an outstanding take on that venerable game, enhanced by variable mazes as you progress while otherwise remaining very faithful to the original in terms of graphics, sounds and gameplay and just as addictive, although I did feel that the ghosts were a little more tame here. Impressive work I must say. Programmed in XB and compiled.
Requirements: FinalGrom 99 (cartridge image), 32K RAM, joysticks optional
Executable to run: AUTORUN

Download Pacman++
Cartridge binary


By Brian Gray

Atlantis opening screenAtlantis in-game shot

The TI finally gets a port of the Imagic Atlantis game, and it's a good one! The premise here is simple: protect the city of Atlantis from the hordes of incoming space invaders using your 3 cannon batteries for as long as you can. Some of the damage incurred can be rebuilt between each waves of enemies and you can accrue bonus points based on the success of your protective efforts. Simple game mechanics that provide instant enjoyment, enhanced by gorgeous graphics and outstanding sound effects. Very well done indeed. Programmed in XB and compiled.
Requirements: FinalGrom 99 (cartridge image), 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: AUTORUN

Download Atlantis
Cartridge binary
Cartridge label


By Brian Gray

Tetris opening screenTetris in-game shot

Here's another excellent version of Tetris with good graphics and faithful sound track and effects. Play is as you would expect and remains as addictive as ever. I love the animated intro screen! Programmed in XB and compiled.
Requirements: FinalGrom 99 (cartridge image) or XB cartridge and disk drive (disk image), 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: AUTORUN (cartridge) or TETRIS-X (disk version)

Download Tetris
Cartridge binary
Disk Image

They Come At Night

By Brian Gray

They Come At Night opening screenThey Come At Night in-game shot

The Zombie apocalypse is finally upon us, and you are one of the last surviving member of humanity desperately defending your compound from hordes of the undead. Equipped with your trusty Winchester rible, various explosive devices and ingenuity, you smartly use the daylight hours when the monsters are asleep to fortify your location using a variety of barriers like holes, shrubs and walls among other things which you can purchase from the warehouse to try to slow down the onslaught which invariably starts at sun down. These barriers have to be constantly replenished and there is an element of strategy here as you decide on where to position them for best effect. Play is diabolically frenetic while trying to fend off attacks from every direction and I can guarantee that you will give your joystick an extreme workout, although the latter's response can be touchy. The graphics and animations are top notch adding to the game's very original concept and design. It is unequivocally a hard game but you will regardless continue to ask for more punishment as you try to survive for just one more day, because while you will eventually meet a horrible death, how you die matters... Very well done indeed. Programmed in XB and compiled.
Requirements: FinalGrom 99, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: AUTORUN

Download They Come At Night
Cartridge binary
Instructions (docx)

Wordsearch 99/4A

By Stefan Bauch

Wordsearch 99/4A opening screenWordsearch 99/4A in-game shot

This is a pretty original word puzzle game with some resemblance to Scrabble where you try to find hidden words using only the 7 letters dealt to you. The game will select up to 20 words from that list of letters but only 7 will be used in the riddle. If you guess a word in the larger list but not in the riddle, then you get extra points which you can use to buy letters or whole words to help you solve the puzzle. Great presentation and particularly skillful animation make for a very entertaining game, albeit pretty difficult to complete. Many hours of fun ahead! Programmed in XB 256.
Requirements: FinalGrom 99, 32K RAM
Executable to run: AUTORUN

Download Wordsearch 99/4A
Cartridge binary
Instructions (pdf)


By Brian Gray

Wordle opening screenWordle in-game shot

If you are a fan of Wordle, then look no further. Enjoy hunting for words using your deductive skills and vocabulary knowledge in a trial, but not time, limited grid of varying difficulty levels of your choosing. Simple but effective presentation that manages to capture the addictiveness of that phenomenon. One deviation from the classic game however is that illegal word entries are allowed, a fact which could make your search a little easier. Programmed in compiled extended basic.
Requirements: FinalGrom 99 cartridge, 32K RAM
Executable to run: AUTORUN

Download Wordle
Cartridge binary

Three Card Poker

By Switch1995

Three Card Poker opening screenThree Card Poker in-game shot

A classic game of three-card poker very well executed with a great layout and logical user interface with some speech thrown in for good measure.
Requirements:Extended Basic Cartridge, 32K RAM
Executable to run: THREECARD

Download Three Card Poker
Disk image

Kroll & Prumni

By Walid Maalouli

Kroll & Prumni opening screenKroll & Prumni in-game shot

This science fiction themed wargame is a close recreation of the classic tabletop wargame of the same name published by International Team (http://zargosl.free.fr/kroll-UK.html) where two advanced space-faring empires, the Kroll and the Prumi, are engaged in an existential struggle to control local planetary resources using fleets of cruisers, fighters and transports supported by deadly mobile bases and charged with colonizing as many planets as possible over the next 30 turns of play. Your opponent is a ruthless AI who will show no mercy, making for a challenging game for the uninitiated. The game is mostly mouse controlled with scrolling game fields and pop-up informational windows, but play is ponderous and will require several hours to complete. Luckily, there is a save and load facility! For the strategy-minded (and patient) player.
Requirements: TIPI, 32K RAM, USB mouse
Executable to run: KROLL

Download Kroll & Prumni
Disk image
Manual (pdf)

Avaris II

By Retrospect

Avaris II opening screenAvaris II in-game shot

Retrospect strikes yet again with what looks like one of his best games to date, a follow up to his previously released Avaris I shooter. Once again you are fighting the evil Kraal empire in a setting highly inspired from the game Parsec with graphic elements borrowed from Gradius. You have to repel wave after wave of colorful and wiley enemies, with the weaponized saucer being a special kind of evil. As you complete each progressively more difficult level, you have to go through a hangar and attempt to destroy 10 robots protected by pesky indestructible flying droids. Awesome graphics with scrolling backgrounds and smooth as silk play. An instant classic. Programmed in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements: FinalGrom 99 cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: AUTOLOAD

Download Avaris II
Cartridge binary
Manual (pdf)

Bio Meteor

By Sergio Zanotti

Bio Meteor opening screenBio Meteor in-game shot

Inspired by several different game concepts, this game places you in command of the last Howitzer tank on Mars charged with destroying the strange biometeor from outer space which is threatening to engulf the entire planet through unchecked replication. However, if it grows too big, then parts of it start collapsing under their own weight, so your tank is armed with growth factor laced projectiles and bombs which enhance growth and eventual collapse. Everytime you manage to line up a row of the biometeor, it will collapse and any remaining parts underneath will be pulled up. Otherwise, it will continue creeping down on you until you are crushed. You also have at your disposition a powerful ablative laser capable of vaporizing the biometeor material. The biometeor is not defenseless however as it intermittently dispatches deadly Bioids to blow up your tank. You collect energy crystals as they come up in order to power up your bombs, laser and engine and you can reload your projectiles as needed from the armory. Your tank is very sluggish at first and highly vulnerable, so increasing engine power is essential for survival. This is a truly excellent game, incredibly addictive while also frustrating at times as you slug through 9 levels of increasing difficulty. One of my top favorites! Programmed in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements: game cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: AUTOLOAD

Download Bio Meteor
Cartridge binary
Manual (pdf)

Warlords of the Rings

By Brian Gray

Warlords of the Rings opening screenWarlords of the Rings in-game shot

This is an excellent take on the arcade game Warlords from 1980. In this story, you represent one of 12 Lord of the Rings characters each with its own special ability, and your objective is to be the last one standing out of 4 players. There is a loose ball wildly roaming around the field and if it hits your castle walls it chips them away, and your only defense is to repel the ball using a paddle which can be moved around the walls. If the ball penetrates your walls, then you will rejoin the gods in Valhalla. Potions appear intermittently on the field, and if you manage to hit one then you activate, if temporarily, your special ability. Beautifully executed game with a nice introductory sound track and excellent sound effects. Fast and addictive play. Highly recommended. Programmed in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements: game cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: AUTOLOAD

Download Warlords of the Rings:
Cartridge binary


By Retrospect

Avaris opening screenAvaris in-game shot

Another excellent shooter by Retrospect. This time around you are humanity's last hope against the vicious Draco empire hellbent on stealing Earth's resources and destroying it, and you are equipped with the aging Avaris starship, the only remnant of the Federation's once mighty armada. You face up your enemies in 3 stages each with increasing levels of difficulty, dodging asteroids, bombs, and rebounding shots while frenetically firing your lasers. The length of your survival will depend on the quality of your reflexes and your stamina, supported by a nice soundtrack and fast game response time. Extremely well done! Programmed in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements:game cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: AUTOLOAD

Download Avaris:
Cartridge binary
Manual (pdf)


Original game by Karl Hornell

TI Port by Stefan Bauch

Scuttlebutt opening screenScuttlebutt  in-game shot

You have the dubious task of catching the droppings coming out of a large hairy butt apparently stuck on your ceiling, a fact complicated by said butt constantly moving around and you holding a fairly small bucket requiring frequent emptying. A very strange game concept to say the least, and one wonders if it represents a reflection of some deeply buried childhood potty training trauma... That said, if you can stop giggling, you will actually have quite a bit of fun with this one. Programmed in Extended Basic and compiled.
Requirements:game cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: AUTOLOAD

Download Scuttlebutt:
Cartridge binary

Extended Parsec

By Stefan Bauch and Helge Spahrbier

Extended Parsec opening screenExtended Parsec in-game shot

It is quite impressive to think that this version of the classic Parsec was programmed in Extended Basic then compiled. It even introduces new aliens in addition to the original ones. Play controls are essentially the same and it will feel instantly familiar. Quite a feat indeed.
Requirements:game cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: AUTOLOAD

Download Extended Parsec:
Cartridge binary
Game notes

Kraal Swarm

By Retrospect

Kraal Swarm opening screenKraal Swarm in-game shot

While a familiar theme, it's very well executed and quite challenging indeed. Starts a little sedated then the pace accelerates as you level up. Programmed in XB and compiled.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Kraal Swarm:
Disk Image

Lunar Rescue 2

By Retrospect

Lunar Rescue 2 opening screenLunar Rescue 2 in-game shot

A follow up to the original Lunar Rescue. Your mission is to rescue the colonists stranded on the lunar surface after the moon has been taken over by hostile alien ships. Your lander is dropped down from the mothership and you must pilot it to one of the two landing platforms while avoiding roaming asteroids. With each landing, you pick a single colonist who you must take back to the ship as you dodge alien saucers dropping bombs on you. You are also equipped with a powerful laser which you can use to shoot down anything that stands in your way. Gameplay gets quite frantic on higher levels. Graphics are a pleasing white monochrome reminiscent of the original Lunar Lander game. Highly addictive. Programmed in XB and compiled.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive
Executable to run: RESCUE-X

Download Lunar Rescue 2:
Disk Image

Frankenstein's Monster

By Retrospect

Frankenstein's Monster opening screenFrankenstein's Monster in-game shot

Quite an original game indeed, where you are trying to prevent Frankenstein's monster from getting fully energized and going on a destructive rampage. And the way you do this is by walling him off with 6 large stones. One minor problem though: the stones are located in the deepest cellar, and the castle is infested with ghosts, spiders and bats which either slow you down or kill you outright, not to mention the deadly pits. Can you muster the courage and fortitude to achieve this task? Great graphics, special effects and sounds really make for an outstanding game and a load of fun. Not to be missed. Programmed in XB and compiled.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive
Executable to run: FRANK-X

Download Frankenstein's Monster:
Disk Image
Frankenstein's Monster manual


By Retrospect

Dodger opening screenDodger in-game shot

While the game concept in nothing new, there are endless variations out there, and this version is no exception. Control Dodger via remote control across a busy highway, a sidewalk and a river and guide him to one of the four safe spots on the other side, while avoiding all manner of hazards, from vehicles to crocs, spiders, squids and motorboats. Timeless classic fun. Programmed in XB and compiled.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive
Executable to run: DODGER-X

Download Dodger:
Disk Image
Dodger manual

Hunch Back

By Retrospect

Hunch Back opening screenHunch Back in-game shot

As a recreation of the 1983 arcade game Hunch Back, this version totally hits the mark. As the hunchback of Notre Dame, Quasimodo, you are trying to free the imprisoned Esmeralda by running across the scrolling castle top teeming with guards, flying arrows, chasms and fireballs spelling your doom at every turn. Judiciously timed jumping is your key to salvation, no mean feat by any stretch. Ah what one would not do for his love... The graphics are quite close to the originals, with excellent animations and smooth gameplay where quick reflexes are a must. Great fun! Programmed in XB and compiled.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive
Executable to run: HBACK-X

Download Hunch Back:
Disk Image
Hunch Back manual

UNO Plus

By Hloberg

UNO Plus opening screenUNO Plus in-game shot

This is an excellent recreation of the timeless card game UNO where you compete against other computer-controlled players with the first one to discard all of their cards winning the game. There are 108 cards including numbered cards as well as special cards with specific effects and each player takes a turn either playing or taking a card. The gameplay is clearly displayed in a rather minimalistic but very effective way and it's very easy to follow along as your opponents make their move, rather intellingently I might add, no mean feat given the multiple play options available. Sound effects and voice cues add to the overall enjoyment. If you are an UNO fan, then this is definitely for you.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download UNO Plus:
Disk Image
UNO Plus rules


By Bleepbit

Phoenix opening screenPhoenix in-game shot

In a tribute to the classic arcade game from the early 80's of the same name, Phoenix pits your starfighter against a horde of invading aliens raining bombs on you. While the gameplay does not necessarily get more difficult as you progress, the base difficulty remains challenging enough to keep on your toes and there are a variety of colorful aliens as well as boss levels to maintain the interest. As a compiled Extended Basic game, it is absolutely gorgeous from a graphics and sound standpoint and the execution is masterful despite some mild choppiness due to the compiled nature of the game. Absolutely outstanding.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge or game cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: PHOENIX

Download Phoenix:
Disk Image
Cartridge binary

Cosmic Cretins From Outer Space

By Retrospect

Cosmic Cretins From Outer Space opening screenCosmic Cretins From Outer Space in-game shot

I guess the title says it all. Since no one really wants to be ruled by cretinous aliens, you are tasked with defending the Earth using a star fighter to shoot down the alien invaders and their motherships, acquiring improved weaponry as you advance, all while you are being taunted by the clueless aliens. Good graphics and excellent sound effects make for a well rounded shooter. Programmed in Extended Basic and compiled.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks
Executable to run: COSMIC-X

Download Cosmic Cretins From Outer Space:
Disk Image


By Unknown Author

Indiana opening screenIndiana in-game shot

As Indiana Jones, you have been cursed by Kali Sahn, the demon overlord of the caverns you are exploring, and the only way to break the curse and beat the demon is by seeking and touching the 6 sacred stones scattered about. But there is a catch: the stones are protected by evil spirits which you must avoid at all cost lest you lose your soul. Steel your nerves, climb the ladders and jump over the abyss in your desperate attempts at reaching and destroying the demon before your time runs out and the curse throws you into eternal hell. This is a tough game with increasing difficulty levels although the cavern layout does not change and does require pixel-perfect reflexes. That said, for an XB game, it strikes a masterful balance between excellent graphics and entertainment value and I very much enjoyed it. Compiled by TMOP.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge or game cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: Indiana

Download Indiana:
Disk Image
Cartridge binary

Robots of Death

By Retrospect

Robots of Death opening screenRobots of Death in-game shot

In yet another imaginative game by the ever prolific Retrospect, we have a frenetic shooter where you control a mobile firing station inside an eclosed arena tasked with destroying murderous roaming robots while avoiding wandering killer skulls and random vaporizing beams from laser platforms on the periphery. Does any of this make sense? Hell no, but hey, it is your nightmare after all... Great graphics and sound effects. Really sucks you in and does not let go. Best played with joysticks as the controls are very touchy. Programmed in Extended Basic and compiled.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge or game cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks optional
Executable to run: ROBOTS-X

Download Robots of Death:
Disk Image
Cartridge binary


By Hloberg

Kroakers opening screenKroakers in-game shot

This is a fun and original game that is super easy to pick but very hard to master. As a hungry frog, you are on the hunt for butterflies. Simple, right? Well, there is unfortunately the minor issue of catching them in the first place, which is where timing is everything as you try to coordinate jumping and tongue snatching to happily coincide with the location of any particular butterfly at that specific moment. Effective graphics and simple controls help alleviate the initial learning curve, and you'll eventually catch on (no pun intended). I really like it! NOTE: the game will hang in the Classic 99 emulator due to speech incompatibility issues but will run fine in MAME/MESS and js99er as well as on real hardware.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Kroakers:
Disk Image

Star Trek

By Mike De Frank

Star Trek opening screenStar Trek in-game shot

This game never gets old, and here we have yet another version of it. It's very well done with large graphics and a complete set of commands including a very useful distance and direction calculator for accurate navigation and targeting. Nice animations and decent sound effects round up the gameplay, although I did find that the Klingons were not as aggresive as they could have been, thus making the game a little easier to complete successfully. Naming the quadrants and sectors was a nice touch.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive
Executable to run: TREKINS

Download Star Trek:
Disk Image

Lunar Mission 2

By Retrospect

Lunar Mission 2 opening screenLunar Mission in-game shot

A brilliant follow up to the original Lunar Mission by the same prolific author. Your mission is to rescue the stranded astronauts on the surface of the moon using a recovery pod which is dropped from the mothership which you have to maneuver around roaming asteroids and belligerent alien saucers to land on the pads then rocket back up to the ship to dock. Things get hairier with every level of course to keep you on your toes. The fire button plays dual roles here, one to fire the thrusters to either slow down your descent or speed up your ascent, and two to fire the pod's defensive lasers. This can be initially a bit disconcerting, but you get the hang of it pretty quickly. Colorful with excellent graphics and sound effects, and the gameplay is super smooth. Lots of fun to be had here. Programmed in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: MISSION2XB

Download Lunar Mission 2:
Disk Image

Laser Strike

TI 99/4A version by Alan Rateliff II
Original concept by Barbara Schulak

Laser Strike opening screenLaser Strike in-game shot

Laser Strike is essentially the timeless game of Battleship, but in space. Position your starships on the grid while your computer opponent does the same then fire laser shots at specific locations in an attempt to hit the enemy ships. Whoever gets to destroy the opponent's starships wins. Colorful and clean version with sharp graphics and sound effects. Converted for the TI 99/4A computer from a listing in Compute! magazine. Does not get old...
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Laser Strike:
Disk Image
Laser Strike instructions

Super Hiway Chicken Plus

By Hloberg

Super Hiway Chicken Plus opening screenSuper Hiway Chicken Plus in-game shot

Well this is a cheeky take on the classic Frogger concept! You finally get to answer the age-old question of how the chicken crossed the road by guiding a flock of chickens one at a time across a busy highway avoiding getting flattened by careless drivers. And if that was not challenging enough, you have to complete each attempt before the guy mowing the grassy divider is done. Colorful timeless fun :)
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Super Hiway Chicken Plus:
Disk Image

Dice Rack

By Keith Bergman

Dice Rack opening screenDice Rack in-game shot

Another interesting dice game by Keith. You have 25 dice falling through a 5-column rack and you have to try to line up "hands" of dice vertically while avoiding horizontal ones with each hand counting towards a set score goal. There are several score modifiers present as well which add to the challenge. Great presentation and well matched sound effects. Easy to learn but tough to master. Quite original actually!
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM
Executable to run: DICERACK

Download Dice Rack:
Disk Image
Dice Rack rules

Mille Bornes

By Hloberg

Mille Bornes opening screenMille Bornes in-game shot

The classic card game Mille Bornes from the 1950's is reborn on the TI with this challenging simulation where you face off against a tough AI. The main objective is to be the first to reach a certain number of road distance markers (bornes in French) driving a car, while your opponent attempts to throw at you all manner of limitations such as accidents, empty fuel tanks, tire punctures etc... in order to slow you down. You draw cards from a common deck and use them to either move, block an attack or attack yourself. The rules are pretty simple but the game can be at times very frustrating particularly when you are stuck while your opponent is accumulating marker points! The game presentation is text only but quite effective and spiced up with speech. Overall an enjoyable simulation that brings back a lot of childhood memories.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Mille Bornes:
Disk Image
Official game rules


By Keith Bergman

Sixxit opening screenSixxit in-game shot

Requiring both luck and strategy, this interesting dice game has you rolling 10 dice six times trying to score as many combinations of 6 as possible in order to maximize your score. You opponent can be either the computer or another human. The graphics are crisp and clear with a well thought out very intuitive interface, and the AI is actually quite challenging as I was having one heck of a time winning at this game and I kept coming back for more punishment. Well done!
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: SIXXIT

Download Sixxit:
Disk Image


TI 99/4A Conversion by Walid Maalouli

Stratego opening screenStratego in-game shot

In this computerized remake of the venerable board game Stratego, you take control of Napoleon's forces and face off against the Duke of Wellington's coalition controlled by the computer in the battle of Waterloo. The classic rules of the game are fully implemented, and you start off not knowing anything about your opponent's units layout, which you will painfully discover subsequently. The objective here is to either capture Wellington's flag or destroy all of his movable pieces, and you have to carefully leverage your units' layout and particular abilities to win the day. The AI will put out a respectable show and the final outcome will heavily depend on the starting layouts as well as some luck. Programmed in Extended Basic then compiled using Harry Wilhem's XB Compiler for speed of execution.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: STRATEGO

Download Stratego:
Disk Image
Stratego Manual


TI 99/4A Conversion by Alan W. Rateliff II

Tiles opening screenTiles in-game shot

Tiles is a one- or two-player memory game which appeared in COMPUTE! Magazine, Volume 10, Number 2, Issue 93, February 1988, Pages 30-46. The program was originally written by Rick Harrison, with versions for the Commodore 64, Apple ][, Atari 8-bit, IBM PCjr, Amiga, and Atari ST. The Texas Instruments conversion is based upon the game description in the article. You are presented with a grid into which an increasing number of tiles are hidden, and you have to uncover them. You start with 500 points and at the beginning of each round you are shown the tile positions. The longer you keep them displayed the more points are deducted from your score. Once hidden, you have an unlimited amount of time to find them again. Every time you successfully locate a tile, you are awarded 100 points, but you also lose 100 points if you uncover an empty square. The game ends when you run out of points or you give up. Simple and colorful, yet very challenging. Photographic memory definitely an advantage here! Great presentation and execution. (A TI BASIC version is also included on the disk).
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: TILESXB

Download TILES:
Disk Image
Cassette tape may be purchased here


By Adam Haase

Quest opening screenQuest in-game shot

With your greed knowing no bounds, you embark on a dangerous search for the Rainbow Gem hidden deep inside the Quest castle, a meandering 8-level deep abomination guarded by blood-chilling and deadly gruds whose faintest of touches can kill you instantly. Along the way you will find treasure filled chests as well as various magical items to help you along as well as numerous obstacles. You need to find the key to the door leading to the next level in order to move on. Given the number of gruds on each screen, gameplay still moves on briskly, quite a feat for an Extended Basic game, and you will find it increasingly difficult to maneuver around the monsters. Luckily you are provided with plenty of extra lives which helps stave off frustration and desperation. Each level is meticulously designed, and you will find yourself inexorably drawn to keep going and find out what's behind the next chamber. Really well done game!
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: QUEST

Download Quest:
Disk Image

Dark Maze

By Adam Haase

Dark Maze opening screenDark Maze in-game shot

You are a fearless adventurer, braving the awful depths of a dark and sinister dungeon for precious treasure. But beware! You are not alone in this foul place. You can hear something else moving down here... and it's getting closer... and louder! The maze will reveal itself as you move about, and you will be able to collect treasure chests, potions, and swords to fight the monster on your tail. Luck and quick thinking will get you through. Maybe...
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: DARKMAZE

Download Dark Maze:
Disk Image
Dark Maze instructions

Werewolves and Wanderers

By Owen Brand

Werewolves and Wanderers opening screenWerewolves and Wanderers in-game shot

As a mini-dungeon crawler, this little gem stands out with easy controls, crisp presentation and an engaging background story. You are a wanderer who finds himself inside the mysterious and dreaded Manor Castle rumoured to be hiding a werewolf and other monstrosities, along with fabulous treasure. If you survive, you will have fame and riches, otherwise your soul will be lost to eternity. A meticulously crafted game that is highly enjoyable.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Werewolves and Wanderers:
Disk Image
Werewolves and Wanderers instructions

Crystal Garden

By Keith Bergman

Crystal Garden opening screenCrystal Garden in-game shot

If you like puzzle and maze games, then this one is definitely for you. It's really a clever combination of the two genres, where you, as the keeper of the magical crystal garden, are racing against a foe to open up 3 portals and save it as it is being destroyed by the forces of evil. Unfortunately, the garden keeps shifting, making path finding anything but straightforward. Gameplay is a bit slow and the controls can be very touchy, but overall it's a great way to exercise you noggin along with a good cup of tea on a quiet afternoon. I found it quite challenging, but definitely intriguing and original. I rather enjoyed it.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: CRYSTXB

Download Crystal Garden:
Disk Image
Crystal Garden instructions

Royal Game Of UR

By Walid Maalouli

Royal Game Of UR opening screenRoyal Game Of UR in-game shot

The royal game of UR is an ancient mesopotamian board game which was the precursor to backgammon. This video has all the details about the game and its rules according to the British Museum, and this computerized single player version is a faithful reproduction of the gameplay against a pretty good AI. While there is a lot of luck involved, there is also definitely an element of strategy. I found it to be very entertaining, although I have yet to beat the computer... The controls are very simple: Use the S and D keys to place the cursor over the token you want to move and press ENTER, it will automatically move the number of spaces indicated by the dice. To introduce a new token, press N, and it will start from the first square and move the number of spaces per the dice roll. That's it! The graphics for the game were designed by Ramidavis.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Speech synthesizer optional.
Executable to run: UR

Download Royal Game Of UR:
Disk Image


By Walid Maalouli

Intercept opening screenIntercept in-game shot

This is a computerized recreation of the classic 70's game of the same name but this time your opponent is a wily AI. You can play as the attacker where you try to sneak around the defenses of a base and bomb it, attempting to evade fighters on the lookout for you. You can also pick up the role of the defender instead trying to defend the base, which is the harder role. Simple yet effective gameplay that will bring back memories of childhood.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM
Executable to run: INTERCEPT

Download Intercept:
Disk Image
Intercept manual (PDF)

Oregon Trail

By Majestyx

Oregon Trail opening screenOregon Trail in-game shot

What could be more classic than the Oregon Trail game originally appearing on the Apple 2 computer? This excellent remake for the TI 99/4A captures the troubles and tribulations of a caravan travelling from Independence, Missouri to Oregon City, Oregon in 1847, a trip of 2040 miles over several months. On the way, you will encounter a variety of obstacles that will slow you down or even downright doom your expedition, and you will have to manage your resources carefully in order to make it safely to your destination. Well executed.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge
Executable to run: OREGONTEB

Download Oregon Trail:
Disk Image

Wizard's Doom

By Adam Haase

Wizard's Doom opening screenWizard's Doom in-game shot

This superb sequel to Rainbow Software's Wizard RPG series, namely Wizard's Lair and Wizard's Revenge both of which can be found further down on this page, is really a fitting continuation and cap to the series, with the Evil Wizard's third reincarnation this time in Maldred's Castle. You are tasked to clean the castle's dungeons of its sinister monsters and seek out and defeat the Wizard himself. As you wonder around, you will find a bewildering array of items, spells and weapons which will enhance your strength, knowledge and experience in preparation for the final encounter, along with many different kinds of interesting monsters, thus making for a very rich playing experience. To help you out, a map of your meanderings is automatically generated and updated, a feature you will find invaluable. Compared to the original series, the graphics have been enhanced, particularly the monster depictions, and the screen redraws are very fast thanks to assembly language support. The difficulty level is well balanced, challenging enough to keep you on your toes but without an undue amount of frustration. Finally, the manual is extemely professional and well laid out, emphasizing the overall high attention to detail Adam is renowned for. It is however a rather solitary experience for your alter ego, being limited to only one of the different castes rather than having a party based game where one can leverage the strength of different castes during the game. Regardless, this is a gem that should not be missed.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Wizard's doom:
Disk Image
Wizard's Doom manual (PDF)


By Matt Sich
TI Version by Norman Rokke

FlipSquare opening screenFlipSquare in-game shot

This is a puzzle game where you have a grid of red squares and your job is to turns them all into green ones. Easier said than done given that there are the inevitable complications such as blocking squares, jumping squares, squares requiring multiple passes, and of course the fact that once you start flipping in one direction you automatically continue till the end of the row or column. There are 9 different grids in the game in increasing level of difficulty, enough to keep you occupied for a while. An interesting and challenging game that is well executed graphically, easy to learn but difficult to master, limited only by the fact that replayability is non-existent once all 9 puzzles have been solved.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM
Executable to run: FLIP

Download FlipSquare:
Disk Image
FlipSquare instructions (rtf)


By Roland Trueman

Noteworthy opening screenNoteworthy in-game shot

This really cute and original platformer has you collect musical notes on each level while avoiding monsters and mechanical spikes from the ceiling. Straightforward gameplay with a colorful presentation and well balanced difficulty level. I bet you children will have a blast with this one, and so did I! Highly recommended.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM
Executable to run: NOTEWORTHY

Download Noteworthy:
Disk Image


By Roland Trueman

Flooraway opening screenFlooraway in-game shot

In this platformer, you are a miner trying to collect 8 treasures on each of the 5 mine levels. The problem is that the wooden platforms of the mine are rotting away, and so standing on them for too long makes them collapse with dire consequences for you. Furthermore, you have to jump from one platform to another in order to complete your task, complicating matters further. Oh and did I mention that you have a limited amount of air on each level? Fair warning: this is a hard game and excellent reflexes are a must in order to survive long enough to enjoy the game. That said, it is very well done for those with the stomach for it...
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: FLOORAWAYJ

Download Flooraway:
Disk Image

Billy Ball To the Rescue

By Roland Trueman

Billy Ball TO The Rescue opening screenBilly Ball To The Rescue in-game shot

This is a cute and colorful platformer where you guide a vaguely Pac Man like character through multiple screens filled with baddies, jumping your way over them and moving on. It's not quite clear what the endgame is however as I have not been able to quite finish it, but it must be some kind of rescue given the game title. There is mini-map at the top of the screen to give you an idea of where you are, which is nice. Regardless, it is quite well done with smooth gameplay and good sound effects. Pretty enjoyable.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM
Executable to run: B/RESCUE

Download Billy Ball To The Rescue:
Disk Image

Dice Crash

By Keith Bergman

Dice crash opening screenDice crash in-game shot

In this original game with the feel of both Tetris and Draw Poker, your goal is to arrange randomly popping dice in rows to create different combinations each worth a certain number of points to reach a set goal. There are also a variety of power ups, some helpful and some not to much, to spice things up a bit. You have a very limited amount of time to make a decision as into which column to drop the dice, which adds an element of termulouness to the game. The keys however do not always register immediately, which can sometimes cause the dice to drop into the wrong column. Nonetheless, the game is very well implemented and quite entertaining. Nicely done.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM
Executable to run: DICECRASH

Download Dice Crash:
Disk Image

In The Dark

By Rich Gilbertson

In the Dark opening screenIn the Dark in-game shot

You are a prisoner in a vast maze, being chased by a deadly repair robot. It is totally dark, so you must feel your way around on your hands and knees trying to avoid or disarm booby-traps, find food, and if you are lucky the exit before the robot catches up with you. The latter starts making recurrent beeps as it closes in on you, thus throwing you into a state of frantic nervousness as you scramble to get away as quickly as possible. Simple and effective gameplay in principle, if not for the fact that this game fills up 333K of RAM in 43 files using the SAMS memory expansion card, a first for an extended basic game! In other words, the game world is enormous, and getting through it will be quite the achievement. Needless to say that I still have a very long way to go, but thankfully there is a save game option which allows you to save your progress. Are you feeling claustrophobic yet? NOTE: This game is too big to fit on a diskette as it was designed to work on the Classic99 emulator. The download file consists of a zipped folder for DSK5 which you will need to unzip and drop into the Classic99 folder.
Requirements: Rich Extended Basic cartridge (version 2012 or newer), SAMS memory expansion card, Classic99 emulator
Executable to run: INTHEDARK

Download In The Dark:
File folder for Classic99 emulator
In The Dark YouTube demo

Space Trek

By Adam Haase

Space Trek opening screenSpace Trek in-game shot

This is to date the best variant of the venerable Star Trek game on the TI platform. As the commander of a mighty starship, your orders are to clean up the sector of all the Klingons within a limited amount of time. You are armed with phasers and photon torpedoes as well as the latest in reconnaissance and defensive technology, which in the right hands will wreak havoc among the Klingon warships. There are multiple commands and sub-commands available, making for a very captivating game as you race against time to complete your mission. The outstanding special effects and the clear display truly enhance the entire experience. Very well done indeed.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM
Executable to run: STREK

Download Space Trek:
Disk Image
Space Trek instructions

Panzer Strike

By Walid Maalouli

Panzer Strike opening screenPanzer Strike in-game shot

On the heels of the naval combat simulation in the age of sail, Clear For Action, which can be found further down this section, comes a World War II tactical tank warfare simulation. As a tank platoon commander, you have up to 10 tanks under your command and your orders are to fight your way to and occupy a strategic target. You will be facing stiff opposition from a computer controlled defender and it will take cunning and tactical acumen to reach your objective. There are 4 primary scenarios in the game, as well as an outstanding add-on multi-scenario set with a background story created by Iwantgames:). And if that's not enough, a scenario builder is included so you can create your own scenarios. All the tanks in the game are based on real hardware with an accurate representation of their main characteristics, including American, British, German and Russian tanks. Is there a hidden Rommel inside you?
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: PSTRIKE

Download Panzer Strike:
Disk Image
Panzer Strike Manual
Alien Strike scenario set documentation by Iwantgames:)

Jack The Digger

By Willi Doltsch

Jack The Digger opening screenJack The Digger in-game shot

This is the last missing Extended Basic game from Willi Doltsch, whose other great games can be found towards the end of this section. Here you represent a digger looking for treasure in a monster infested mine. Use joystick number 2 to move around and collect as much treasure as you can before heading down to the lift which will take you to the surface. The levels get progressively harder, and they do require good timing. The animations are extremely well done, with great associated sound effects, making for a really fun and challenging platformer. I expected nothing less from Willi. Highly enjoyable.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks.
Executable to run: JACKDIG

Download Jack The Digger:
Disk Image


By American Software and Design

Entrapment opening screenEntrapment in-game shot

With clear inspiration from Centipede, you are tasked to stop hordes of nasty insects from invading Earth. You do so by shooting them down, but the twist here is that they turn to impenetrable bricks when they die. The solution then is to strategically kill as many of them as necessary to set up a continuous barrier which will stop the subsequent waves. Incredibly simple to play, yet supremely entertaining. The graphics are very well done and the animation is smooth. I am a fan.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Entrapment:
Disk Image

Prison Run

By Retrospect (TI 99/4A version)

Prison Run opening screenPrison Run in-game shot

Who knew busting out of prison was going to be so much fun? Use the arrow keys to move your aspiring escapee around as he tries to avoid the automated killer laser beams and make his way to the infirmary and then out to the escape tunnel. How many inmates can you free before the timer runs out? Frustrating as hell, but still very much fun.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: PRISON

Download Prison Run:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Moon Lander

By Wolfgang Tichy

Moon Lander opening screenMoon Lander in-game shot

Again not an earth shattering concept, but this version does bring some extra twists like meteorites and moving platforms to keep things interesting. Everytime you land you gain a fuel bonus to keep you going a little longer, but make no mistake, death will eventually find you... Very challenging play.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: MOONLANDER

Download Moon Lander:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Hangglider Pilot

By L.J. Sabo

Hangglider Pilot opening screenHangglider Pilot in-game shot

Now that's new! I have never seen a simulation of the sport of hang gliding, and this one appears to be quite sophisticated. As the title says, you are the pilot of a hang glider trying to stay aloft as long as possible riding the air currents while avoiding the mountains and other obstacles. This is definitely not an arcade game, and it will require quite a bit of skill to pilot this contraption. Given its complexity, it does run on the slow side, but suprisingly still manages to be quite captivating. Definitely well worth a try.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: HANGGLIDER

Download Hangglider Pilot:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

EasyRider Junior

By Roland Schlosser

EasyRider Junior opening screenEasyRider Junior in-game shot

This is a fun little game where you ride a bike around trying to avoid rocks that keep popping up randomly around you. How long can you last before you crash? From time to time, something has to be said in favor of simple easy to play games when you just want to kill a little time without knotting yourself into a ball of nerves or getting a headache. Leasurly fun.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks.
Executable to run: EASYRIDER

Download Easy Rider:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Mirror Maze

By 1980Gamer

Mirror Maze opening screenMirror Maze in-game shot

If you thought you had seen every possible variation of Pac Man, then I suggest you think again... This version uncovers a previously hidden aspect of our friendly dot eating friend, a twighlight zone of sorts where if you go into one of the tunnels, then you emerge into an alternate ghostly dimension with a similar maze which you also have to complete. As a matter of fact, you cannot move on to the next level until you eat all the dots in both the normal and alternate worlds! Needless to say that this novel twist certainly freshens up the tired Pac Man concept, and it plays extremely well to boot. Coded in Extended Basic and compiled with Harry Wilhelm's XB Compiler.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks.
Executable to run: MIRRORMAZE

Download Mirror Maze:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Marble Madness

By Kurt_Wolloch

Marble Madness opening screenMarble Madness in-game shot

This is a very nice remake of the classic Marble Madness game where you have to guide a rolling ball down brick wall paths while avoiding falling off the edge. Given that this is an Extended Basic game, it is extremely well executed and quite challenging, particularly since you have a limited amount of time in which to complete each level. Well done!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks.
Executable to run: MARBLE

Download Marble Madness:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Space Trap

By Marc Hull

Space Trap opening screenSpace Trap in-game shot

You are a member of the Crystal Entity trapped in a prison created by the "Q". In order to stave off death you must consume other members of your species. The only problem seems to be that no matter how much you consume, your energy continues to dissapate at an alarming level. How long will you be able to survive in this outer space hell? Simple yet original and fun game where you have to bump other crystals in order to survive, made more difficult by the implementation of inertia. Very good use of sprites, but it does get a bit repetitive after a while.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks.
Executable to run: SPACE-TRAP

Download Space Trap:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]
Space Trap instructions


By GratedTopping

Original game by Bob Foley

Wazes opening screenWazes in-game shot

Yes, this is yet another maze program, but with an original twist. You are presented with 3 different representations of a maze, from the micro to the macro, and you have to find your way out using the macro maze, which is essentially a small window of part of the maze and moves around with you. Therfore, at any time you only have a very limited view of the larger maze, making escape so much more interesting. Unfortunately, it is very slow in the running, so it's best to use the Classic 99 emulator in Overdrive mode to make the game more enjoyable.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: WAZES

Download Wazes:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Texan Dealer

By Retrospect

Texan Dealer opening screenTexan Dealer in-game shot

Life as a street drug dealer can be rather tough as demonstrated by this trading game where you buy and sell a variety of drugs in many different cities and try to eek out a living while hoping to evade the cops. Prices of drugs change daily, and you have 30 days to make as much profit as possible. A little trip to the dark side of society, but fun nonetheless.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: TEXAN

Download Texan Dealer:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

TI Lego

By Joe Morris

TI Lego opening screenTI Lego in-game shot

Who amongst us has not played with Legos? This little gem gives you the opportunity to continue playing with these colorful blocks at any time. Simply select the block you want by pressing the number/letter next to it, move the cursor to where you want to place the block, then press the spacebar. Press U to undo, C to clear the entrire structure. You are supplied with enough different shapes of blocks to allow for a surprising range of creativity. A great way to get back in touch with your childhood.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: LEGO2

Download TI Lego:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Joe Morris

Biplane opening screenBiplane in-game shot

Your plane has run out of fuel, and you are on a slow descent towards a densely built up city. What to do??? But of course, simply bomb the buildings so you can make yourself a nice landing strip. Failure to do so will result in your utter destruction. Much harder than it looks!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: BIPLANE

Download Biplane:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Ghost House

By Retrospect

Ghost House opening screenGhost House in-game shot

Primarily a game of timing and reflexes, you have the unenviable job of whaking ghosts on the head when they randomly peak through the windows of a house and start making bone chilling screams. The twist here is that you can only truly get them when they are at the end of their scream. Attempt to whack them before or after and they just run away. There are 3 levels of difficulty. Colorful, simple fun.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: GHOST2

[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Retrospect

BAR X opening screenBAR X in-game shot

This is a very nicely executed Jackpot type of game where every so often you get the chance to nudge any of the reels for an added chance to win. Press 5 to insert coins, space bar to spin. You can collect your winnings by pressing C.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: BARX2

Download BAR X:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Clear For Action

By Walid Maalouli

Original concept by Michael W. Stradley

Clear For Action opening screenClear For Action in-game shot

You are placed in the boots of the great naval commanders of the 18th century at the helm of the majestic tall-sail battleships, fighting historic battles using top notch seamanship, cunning and audacity. This very detailed naval combat simulation will pit you against a computer opponent in a turn-based pitched battle, either historic or of your own design, and you will have to learn the skills of sailing, gun and crew management, as well as strategy in order to win the day. Can you match the historical outcome and join the rarefied ranks of the great sea commanders of old?
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: ACTION

Download Clear For Action:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]
Clear For Action Manual (PDF)
Clear For Action Appendices (PDF)


By Gordon Tomlinson

Quasimodo opening screenQuasimodo in-game shot

Based on the celebrated literary classic, The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, you are the hunchback Quasimodo trying to save you beloved lady. Unfortunatly, there are quite a few hurdles you have to overcome first as you run through many game levels and avoiding rolling boulders and menacing knights in full armor, among other troubles. This game is absolutely amazing in its visual quality, and its gameplay does not disappoint either although it is quite taxing. Very highly recommended!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM. Joysticks optional
Executable to run: QUASI
Download Quasimodo:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Smart Ball

By Alessandro Betori

Ball 2.0 opening screenBall 2.0 in-game shot

This is a twist on the venerable artillery game, substituting cannons with golf clubs and a more cheery background. Armed with your favorite club, select the stroke power and the shot angle then let loose, with the objective of getting the ball into the hole while avoiding sandpits and ponds. There are many colorful screens to play through, and it's really not as easy at it seems!
Requirements: XB cartridge. (Minimem cartridge and disk drive optional)
Executable to run: BALL-XB
Download Smart Ball:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]
Smart Ball instructions

Break Out

By Unknown Author

Break Out opening screenBreak Out in-game shot

Who knew you could create such a great version of the classic Breakout in Extended Basic? Except that you are playing sideways intead of vertically. The game is highly customizable from the size of the paddle to the option of having invisible bricks. Great piece of programming. [If you happen to know the name of the author, please let me know so I can provide appropriate credit]
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, Joystick.
Executable to run: BREAKOUT
Download Break Out:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Joe Morris

Arlington opening screenArlington in-game shot

This is another well done horse racing simulation with really great animations. Bet on your favorite horse then sit back, relax, and watch the race unfold in front of you. Great for parties!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: ARLINGTON
Download Arlington:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Riding For The Brand

By Owen Brand

Riding For The Brand opening screenRiding For The Brand in-game shot

You are Buck McShane, a loyal cowbow who's forman was murdered by 9 outlaws who stole the majority of the cattle herd. A hefty bounty was placed on their heads, and you have every intention to collect. Armed with your sometimes unreliable gun, you are to face each outlaw in a shoot-out and hopefully live to tell your tale. Great graphics and easy controls, complemented by a nice musical track thanks to Matthew Haggerty's soundplayer.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD
Download Riding For The Brand:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Blackbeard's Treasure

By Miller Graphics

Blackbeard's Treasure opening screenBlackbeard's Treasure in-game shot

Your five man team of deep see explorers have finally found the treasure of the infamous Blackbeard the pirate, but unfortunately it lies at the bottom of a shark infested sea and is protected by two giant octopuses...Sooo, you have no choice but to put on your wet suit and jump overboard. Avoid the sharks and the octopuses, collect as much treasure as you can, and make it back safely to the boat. Well, that's the theory anyway. You see, this game implements some realistic physics which means that you can't stop in your tracks or change direction instantly, and so there is a lot of finesse at play here. Really great game!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: PIRATE
Download Blackbeard's Treasure:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

The Pharoah's Tomb

By Miller Graphics

The Pharoah's Tomb opening screenThe Pharoah's Tomb in-game shot

An ancient pharoah has hidden his treasure inside a deep tomb, and you and your intrepid explorers are dead set on digging it out (no pun intended). This is no easy task given that the tomb is riddled with dangers such as traps, falling blocks, and the spirit of the Pharoah himself! Try to collect as much treasure as you can before losing your entire party, because yes, in the end you WILL die...
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: PHAROAH
Download The Pharoah's Tomb:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Code Name: Sector

By Mike Brent

Code Name: Sector opening screenCode Name: Sector in-game shot

This is a very faithful recreation of the 1977 game of the same name that was one of the first computerized games available. In essence, you have 4 destroyers hunting down an enemy submarine which heading and depth are unknown. Equipped with sonar, you can tell your range from the sub, which helps you delineate the area of your search. When you combine all 4 destroyers, then you can fairly quickly zoom in on the sub and eventually destroy it. While the original board game came equipped with a grid, colored crayons and a ruler, you will have to provide those yourself including graph paper. In the end, a very enjoyable game which will test your powers of logic and strategy. I love the LED display reproduction!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, graph paper, colored pencils, ruler.
Executable to run: SECTOR
Download Code Name: Sector:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]
PDF scan of original manual
Implementation notes

Balloon Wars

By john Morrison

Balloon Wars opening screenBalloon Wars in-game shot

In an original premise, you are ordered to deliver a crucial message to the British forces in North Africa during the second World War in 1942. Unfortunately, there is no access by land due to the inconvenient location of the opposing German forces, and so you are forced to take a rather leaky hot air balloon in a desperate attempt to complete your mission. You have limited fuel for the burners as well as a small number of sand bags and bombs. You can jettision sand bags in order to quickly gain altitude, and you must strive to avoid the projectiles being hurled at you by the German troops on the ground. You can replenish your supplies by landing at a Dump site, but not before you clear out all the enemies located there first. Otherwise, they will capture and execute you on the spot! You will succeed only if you can reach the British HQ in one piece. Joystick commands: Left: move left against the wind Right: accelerate Up: jettison a sand bag Down: release a bomb Fire: fire up the burners. And I thought ballooning was a relaxing activity...
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, Disk drive, Joysticks.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Balloon Wars:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Compu-Things

Mazeman opening screenMazeman in-game shot

Recently discovered by fellow TIer Owen Brand, this obscure game is actually pretty interesting. You are lost is a multilevel maze, initially armed with 3 arrows but no bow! Your quest is to collect as much gold as possible and explore all the mazes (100 of them!) while avoiding or shooting the deadly green monster and hiding from the giant ghost that steals your gold and arrows. Start by finding the bow, and explore the mazes by using teleportation gates, stairs and exits. Above all, get comfortable: this will take a while...
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: MAZEMAN

Download Mazeman:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Regena

Pyramid opening screenPyramid in-game shot

Everybody enjoys a nice card solitaire from time to time as a digression from the constant fragfest in Call of Duty, and this one certainly does not disappoint. The object of the game is to clear all the cards by matching and removing the pair of cards that add up to 13, starting from the bottom of the pyramid. Simple enough, but I have yet to beat it. Impeccable presentation and intuitive simple interface. A joy to play.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: PYRAMID

Download Pyramid:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Missile War

By john Behnke

Missile War opening screenMissile War in-game shot

This is another re-creation of the venerable Missile Command, albeit a fantastic one. Use your joystick to control the targeting cursor and fire missiles at incoming enemy ones, trying to protect your cities as well as your weapons depot. How long can you survive before the apocalypse? A classic that never fails to entertain.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Missile War:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Short & Sweet Game Contest

By various authors

Lunar Rescue opening screenLunar Rescue in-game shot

This is a compilation of the Short and Sweet Game Contest (SSGC) organized by Owen Brand that ended in April 2010 where contestants created an XB game limited to 30 program lines and 10 Data lines. This contest was a huge success with no less than 17 entries, all of which demonstrated incredible creativity and highlighted the capabilities of the TI Extended Basic environment. The winning entry was Lunar Rescue by Marc Hull which is shown here, with the three runner-ups being Inaccurate Invaders by UnHuman, SSGC Racer by Kurt Woloch and Chronicles of Sniffing Zombie by Sometimes 99er. A fantastic collection that will keep you entertained for a long time!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks for some of the games.
Executable to run: Game Title

Download SSGC compilation:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]
Games documentation (zipped)

Honeycomb Rapture

By Owen Brand

Honeycomb Rapture opening screenHoneycomb Rapture in-game shot

Africanized killer bees are wreaking heavoc with the world population of honeybees, which could lead to an ecological catastrophe given the essential role the latter play in plant pollination. In this game, you will attempt to evade the killer bees on your way from the flower field to the hive, and then once several bees make it to the safety of the hive they have to evade alien saucers determined to collect them for experimentation as well as fly through hoops for points and extra lives. There is definitely no lack of imagination here, making for quite a fun and colorful game with excellent animations and neat sprites.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Honeycomb Rapture:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Thomas M. Perkowitz

Thief opening screenThief in-game shot

A million dollars is enough to tempt anybody, more so if you are the famous thief Stelthful Smith. So, when a reclusive zillionnaire dies, you plan on breaking into his mansion and get to the safe. Simple enough, if it wasn't for the very touchy alarm system protecting the house. One slip up and you will spend the next decade really getting familiar with you cell-mate at the local high security prison. Are you game? The graphics are very basic, but still manage to capture the tension of a high stakes robbery.
Requirements: None.
Executable to run: THIEF

Download Thief:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Lemonade Stand

By Owen Brand

Lemonade Stand opening screenLemonade Stand in-game shot

It sounds so easy! Just build a lemonade stand and they will come and make you rich... NOT! There is definitely nothing simple about running that establishment, where you have to contend not only with the weather and finicky customers, but also with customizing you lemonade recipe as well as your "advertizing agent" who ALWAYS makes sure to get his piece of the action. Clear interface and uncluttered graphics allow you to focus on actually running your business and hopefully make a living. Great take on a classic premise!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Lemonade Stand:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Roman Wars

By Ron Johnson

Roman Wars opening screenRoman Wars in-game shot

This is the first true wargame for one player I have found so far for the TI, and it is absolutely a diamond in the rough. As the commander of the mighty Roman legions, you have to defend and eventually destroy the hordes of Germanic barbarians that are trying to invade the Empire. Your success will depend on strategically maneuvering your troops, as well as managing supplies to feed your men. There are a variety of orders available to you from building castles, villages and granaries to troop and artillery movements as well as pontoon building, supported by an intelligence report you can view at the beginning of each phase. The computer controlled enemy is quite savvy and will definitely put up an excellent fight. The interface is very easy to use and the graphics manage to convey a clear picture of the battlefield. Very highly recommended for the wargamers among you.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Roman Wars:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By David R. Arnold

TI version by Patrick Parrish

Devastator opening screenDevastator in-game shot

You are the last defense against alien invaders and you must shoot down a wave of 19 aliens before time runs out and the earth is annihilated. Of course, the aliens are not terribly accommodating, so you will need to muster every ounce of dexterity in you body to achieve you goal. I was only able to destroy up to 12 aliens in any one session, so I hope the Earth has a better hero than myself! Colorful and fun.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks.
Executable to run: DEVAST

Download Devastator:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Gregory Kean

Void opening screenVoid in-game shot

This is a somewhat surreal game with a science fiction feel where you are trying to move from one level to another by jumping over moving obstacles that will kill you on contact and activating the doorway to the next level. Requires precise hand eye coordination and cool nerves. Very original presentation and addictive albeit difficult gameplay.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks.
Executable to run: VOID

Download Void:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Gregory Keen

Heist opening screenHeist in-game shot

In this platformer, you are going through a house collecting items and finding ways to move between floors while avoiding booby traps as well as a pesky ethereal sentinel that will vaporize you on contact. There are multiple screens with great animations and graphics, but I found the difficulty level to be quite high, so patience is definitely a must. This however does not diminish in any way the fun to be had.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks.
Executable to run: HEIST

Download Heist:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Sudoku99 v1.1

By Wolfgang Bertsch

Sudoku99 opening screenSudoku99 in-game shot

This is another version of classic game of Sudoku that comprises 400 puzzles with 4 different levels of difficulty as well as multiple languages! There is enough here to keep you entertained for a very long time... Games in progress can be saved to disk for later retrieval, and the computer can check your solutions for mistakes. There is no provision however to input a new puzzle in this version. Beautiful presentation and intuitive interface.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: SUDOKU99

Download Sudoku99:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

The Hermit

By Brian C. Horner

The Hermit opening screenThe Hermit in-game shot

The reclusive man known simply as the hermit was by all accounts very rich, although the source of his riches was subject to much controversy. Now that he is dead, you are going to try to get into his mansion and look for his hidden treasures. Unfortunately, the chances of you making it out alive, let alone with some loot, are not very good, but feel free to try anyway... Fun very well executed text based adventure with embedded assembly routines that will keep you scratching your head more often than not.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download The Hermit:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Ann & Phillip Case

Airline opening screenAirline in-game shot

If you enjoy financial simulation games, then you're going to love that one. As a financier with money to burn, you decide to create an airline business. You will start by acquiring landing rights at various airports across the country, purchase aircrafts, and establish flight routes. In the process, you will need to manage your available cash carefully while maximizing your return on investment and ward off up to 3 computer competitors. While the game's graphical presentation is pretty basic, the play itself however is devilishly attractive.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: AIRLINE

Download Airline:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]
Download instructions here

Mars Attack

By Francesco Ugga

Mars Attack opening screenMars Attack in-game shot

In a cross between Space Invaders and Demon Attack, this space shooter makes very skillful use of the TI's color, sprite and sound capabilities to create a very addictive game where you have to shoot down waves of colorful aliens using surface to air missiles before they make contact with the ground. Requires precise timing and quick thinking. While the instructions are in Italian, gameplay is pretty straightforward. Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: MATTACK

Download Mars Attack:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Fishy Business

By J. Peter Hoddie

Fishy Business opening screenFishy Business in-game shot

This challenging arcade game incarnates you into a lone small fish in a pool of much larger and hungry fishes, where you struggle to survive and avoid being eaten. In the process, you need to gather energy for yourself also by eating algea scattered across the playing field. Once you clear a screen of algea, then you move on to the next one with more challenges ahead. Great fun!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks.
Executable to run: FISH

Download Fishy Business:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Aztec Challenge

By Robert T. Bonifacio

Aztec Challenge opening screenAztec Challenge in-game shot

You have been chosen to be sacrificed to the Gods by the Aztec priests, and the only way out is to prove your worth by competing in an endurance and obstacle course. Are you up to the challenge or should you just lie down on the sacrificial altar? Use the joystick to jump over obstacles: The position of the stick (forward, neutral and back) along with the fire button determine the height of your jump. Nicely done platformer.
Requirements: XB cartridge.
Executable to run: AZTEC

Download Aztec Challenge:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Night Sniper

By J. Bulakowski

Night Sniper opening screenNight Sniper in-game shot

In a very original game, you are a sniper hunting down bad guys in the middle of the night. Your rifle scope gives you a very limited field of view with night vision, so you must pan around the screen trying to locate and shoot the brigants while avoiding people with their hands up or other objects. You have a limited time to kill all the bad guys, and the game gets harder as you progress. I was hooked instantly...
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Night Sniper:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Richard Harrison

Slinky opening screenSlinky in-game shot

Inspired by Q-Bert, you are a slinky (that's right) trying to land on every square of this well drawn isometric staircase field. You can only move diagonally, and you die the second you jump outside the field. The white squares are transport gates that will take you back to your starting position, and you must avoid the holes created by falling rocks. Harder than it looks!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks.
Executable to run: SLINKY

Download Slinky:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Lost Patrol

By Data/Ware Development, Inc.

Lost Patrol opening screenLost Patrol in-game shot

Your 5-member elite squad is faced with multiple obstacles while performing its mission, including deadly acid rain, mines and hungry Piranhas among other exotic faire. How many of your team will survive this ordeal? That's up to you (no pressure). Challenging and enjoyable.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Lost Patrol:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Bob Gagle and Greg Swagler

Frenzy opening screenFrenzy in-game shot

On the theme of Star Wars, you set on a multi-staged space mission dodging asteroid fields and enemy spacecrafts. Graded difficulty levels, excellent use of color and sprites, along with well executed sound effects more than compensate for the "yet another space shooter" impression.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Frenzy:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Not Polyoptics

Tower opening screenTower in-game shot

This game is a simulation of a Civilian Air traffic Controller's duties at Washington's National Airport on a dark night with poor visibility. The ceiling is 400 feet or less. The screen represents your radar CRT displaying a map of the airport and surrounding area. On the right are displayed the selected flight's ID, course in degrees, altitude in feet, speed in knots, type of plane and flaps position. Your goal is to land 5 planes (A-E) and allow 5 planes to take off (F-J). Controller messages are entered on the bottom of the screen. Click here for command selection. How good are your multi-tasking skills? The lives of hundreds of passengers are depending on you... Engrossing gameplay!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: XTOWER

Download Tower:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Hangman LightPen Edition

By Walid Maalouli

Hangman opening screenHangman in-game shot

While the game concept is nothing new, this version has been designed for use with a TI lightpen. The selectable areas on the screen are sequentially highlighted by a white sprite, and all you have to do is point and press the switch on the lightpen. Find the lightpen schematic here.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, lightpen.
Executable to run: HANGMAN

Download Hangman LightPen Edition:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By CH. Bladoschewski

Teufel opening screenTeufel in-game shot

In this game, you are facing an increasing number of devils (teufels) bent on capturing your eternal soul, and your only defence is to build enclosures around them with holy symbols. But beware! If they so much as touch you, you die instantly... These suckers are very sneaky, so you must think quickly lest you spend eternity in a flaming tub. Addictive gameplay.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks.
Executable to run: TEUFEL

Download Teufel:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Maya I

By V. Becker

Maya I opening screenMaya I in-game shot

In the spirit of the classic Atari 2600 game Pitfall, you are an intrepid explorer looking for treasure over and under ground while being constantly challenged by rolling logs, snakes and pits. There is only one level of play, but the game consists of a whopping 378 screens! Needless to say that I have a loooong way to go still. Hint: to go down the ladder, move the joystick diagonally, not straight down. Can you make it to the end? Is there a surprise ending? Why don't you try and find out?
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks.
Executable to run: MAYA1

Download Maya I:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

TI Psychiatrist

By Scott Morrow

TI Psychiatrist opening screenTI Psychiatrist in-game shot

This is a somewhat more advanced and polished version of the venerable Eliza psychoanalysis program, where your computer becomes a psychoanalyst and prods you to discuss your troubles while interjecting smart snippets leading you on to more humiliating confessions. Very nicely executed and can lead to some hilarious conversations. Who knows, you may even end-up feeling better...
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download TI Psychiatrist:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Sliding Block Puzzles

By Norman Rokke

Sliding Block Puzzles opening screenSliding Block Puzzles in-game shot

Whom among us has not at some point dabbled with slinding block puzzles? Well, here is your chance to reminesce on a simple yet devilishly frustrating set of puzzles that will keep you up at night. The objective is simple: move the big red block to the right lower corner. Getting there is another story entirely. The puzzles are arranged in increasing levels of difficulty, but thankfully the interface is simple and the graphics sharp and clear. Nicely done.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Sliding Block Puzzles:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

TI Casino

By Ken Gilliland

TI Casino opening screenTI Casino in-game shot

As far as gambling games go for the TI, this is the ULTIMATE program. It includes accurate versions of Craps, Draw Poker, Keno, Acey Deucey, Baccarat, Blackjack, Roulette and Slot Machines, each rendered with amazing graphics, smooth easy to use interface and excellent sound effects. The documentation is extensive and complete, which makes this program a great training tool prior to your next Vegas trip. An absolute gem!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download TI Casino:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]
TI Casino Manual (PDF format)

Robot War

By Walid Maalouli

Robot War opening screenRobot War in-game shot

In this game, you attempt to program a robot using a simple macro-instruction set and let it loose inside an arena with three other robots in a fight to the death, kind of like robotic gladiators. Even better yet, you can exchange robots with other players and challenge each other in friendly (or not) tournaments. Are you up to the challenge? Note: do not attempt to play without reading the instructions first unless frustration is your thing...
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: ROBOT

Download Robot War:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Old Dark Caves 2

By Donn Granros

Old Dark Caves 2 opening screenOld dark Caves 2 in-game shot

This adventure pre-dates the Legends series by Donn Granros, yet one can see a lot of similarities, mostly in the graphics. On the other hand, it is a much simpler adventure than Legends, with rudimentary game mechanics as you roam a labyrinth of caves in search of treasure while defeating resident monsters. It is still massive in scope however, providing a quick fix for that sudden adventuring urge.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Old Dark Caves 2:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Fabrice Montupet

Daffy opening screenDaffy in-game shot

While the premise of this platformer is fairly common, the theme and execution are on the other hand original and well done. Daffy Duck being one of my favorite characters, I instantly developed a soft spot for this fun game. It remains quite challenging however especially on the jumps which have to be pixel perfect.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks (uses joystick #2).
Executable to run: DAFFY

Download Daffy:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Chris Bodenmiller

Astromania opening screenAstromania in-game shot

In yet another excellent space shooter, you have the great honor and responsibility of protecting the World from the Frizoid invaders. You battle the attackers outside of the force field that protects your planets, with the hope of destroying the mothership in the end. As usual, quick reflexes can make the difference between life and death, so don't panic! Great animations and sound effects. Very well executed.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Astromania:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Jim Beck

Ninja opening screenNinja in-game shot

This is an interesting game with an Oriental premise: You are a ninja seeking to kill the Evil Master in his lair. You are armed with a sword and have to roam the dungeons killing any guards that stand in your way and collecting gold and a variety of other items, until the final battle with the Evil Master. As you gain experience, things get tougher. Combat is a matter of who gets through the most blows, but the outcome seemed a little too random for my taste. The trick is to be able to survive all the way to the end, which is not a given...
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Ninja:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

UFO Invasion

By Roland Schlosser

UFO Invasion opening screenUFO Invasion in-game shot

While this game may seem like Space Invaders Lite, it is actually quite challenging, especially at the higher levels. Your task is to shoot down the zipping saucers one at a time all the while trying to dodge a hail of falling bombs. After taking out 20 aliens, then it's time to refuel, except that the power station is behind a curtain of bombs. Talk about the gas station from hell! Things speed up significantly at the higher levels. Quite fun!
Requirements: XB cartridge, Joysticks.
Executable to run: UFOINV

Download UFO Invasion:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

City Protection

By Roland Schlosser

City Protection opening screenCity Protection in-game shot

In yet another take on the alien invasion theme, you are a lone helicopter pilot charged with defending your city from alien invaders. Use the joystick to maneuver your helicopter and fire at the descending alien UFO's. The game is over if one of them manages to land. Excellent graphics and challenging gameplay.
Requirements: XB cartridge, Joysticks.
Executable to run: CITYPROT

Download City Protection:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Mini Frogger

By Roland Schlosser

Mini Frogger opening screenMini Frogger in-game shot

This is one of the best XB recreations of the timeless Frogger game, with beautiful graphics and excellent animation. Gameplay is fairly simple: use your joystick to maneuver Frogger across a busy highway, river and runway (!) to the safety of his pond. All the ponds have to be occupied before moving to the next level. Easier said than done... Great fun!
Requirements: XB cartridge, Joysticks.
Executable to run: MINIFROG

Download Mini Frogger:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By John D. Gardner & John C. Williams

Tex-Raiders opening screenTex-Raider in-game shot

Alien invaders are attacking your sector and you have to seek them out and destroy them while avoiding asteroid fields. While the theme is not terribly original, the gameplay is however well executed taking good advantage of sprites, color and sounds. There are multiple screens to go through and the action can get very frantic.
Requirements: XB cartridge. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Tex-Raiders:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Treasure Hunt

By John D. Gardner & John C. Williams

Treasure Hunt opening screenTreasure Hunt in-game shot

This is a very well done platformer on the theme of a tomb explorer with four different screens that repeat with increasing difficulty. The action is very reminiscent of Donkey Kong as you jump your way over monsters and traps. The animation is very smooth and the sound effects well executed. Colorful and quite entertaining.
Requirements: XB cartridge. Joysticks and 32K RAM optional.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Treasure Hunt:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Mean Streets

By John D. Gardner & John C. Williams

Mean Streets opening screenMean Streets in-game shot

As a member of a SWAT team, you have been assigned to clear the streets from trigger-happy mean guys. You have to patrol up and down the street, locate the thugs and hopefully shoot them before they shoot you. Starts off easy but then gets hairier. You score points with each kill and you have 10 lives. The ambulance animation is particularly well done. Basic fun.
Requirements: XB cartridge, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Mean Streets:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Wizard's Lair

By Rainbow Software

Wizard's Lair opening screenWizard's Lair in-game shot

Compared to the Legends series, this is a pure dungeon quest game with the objective of killing the evil Wizard while disposing of any pesky monsters standing in your way and collecting as much treasure, spells and weapons that you can find. There are 4 levels of increasing difficulty, each with a time limit: if you run out of time, then you are automatically transported to the next level. The game ends when you kill the Wizard or you run out of time on level 4. The dungeon is displayed in 3D and clever use of sprites and color is made to enhance play. A mapping function is available to help you along. Quite enjoyable without too many complications.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Wizard's Lair:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]
Wizard's Lair Manual (PDF format)

Wizard's Revenge

By Rainbow Software

Wizard's Revenge opening screenWizard's Revenge in-game shot

This is the sequel to Wizard's Lair with an additional level and improved graphics and sound. Gameplay is essentially the same with a few streamlined commands. Even more enjoyable than the first installment.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Wizard's Revenge:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]
Wizard's Revenge Manual (PDF format)


By Donn Granros & Ed johnson

Legends I opening screenLegends I in-game shot

Of all the graphic adventure games available for the TI, this game (and its sequel) is the benchmark against which all other RPG's are measured. It is remarkable in its ease of use, breadth, and entertainment value. It is essentially a four characters fantasy adventure game set in the island of Edonland on the planet Legends, a land plagued by roaming monsters and Dark Knights released through the "Western Portal" by the evil mage Ashtar Creel. Your mission is to close the portal and return alive to boast the tale of your exploits. You start as a weak party whose powers, strengths and wealth grow through combat and exploration in the spirit of Dungeons & Dragons. Are you up to it?
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Legends:
[zipped TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]
[Version 1.1 zipped TIFILES format]
[Version 1.1 zipped V9T9 .DSK Format]
Legends Manual (PDF format)

Legends II: The Sequel

By Donn Granros & Ed johnson

Legends II opening screenLegends II in-game shot

As the title indicates, this adventure is the sequel to Legends I, and although it can be played as a standalone game, it is highly suggested that you import your high level characters from Legends I because it is more challenging. Game mechanics remain essentially the same, but there are many graphical improvements. If you liked the first Legends installment, then you will surely love this one.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Legends II, The Sequel:
[zipped TIFILES format]
[zipped V9T9 .DSK Format]
Legends II Manual (PDF format)

Carfax Abbey

By David Vincent

Carfax Abbey opening screenCarfax Abbey in-game shot

An amazing first-person adventure game somewhat akin to Tunnels of Doom but less complicated and joystick controlled! Wander through the four floors of Dracula's estate in London looking for the necessary magic and tools needed to destroy the vampire forever. Goblin traders and skeletons await. High replay value as multiple configurations are available. Includes a very useful automapping feature and excellent graphics. Absolutely recommended!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Carfax Abbey:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Jokerpoker, Blackjack, Wheel of Fortune

By Terry Staph

Jokerpoker, Blackjack, Wheel of Fortune opening screenJokerpoker, Blackjack, Wheel of Fortune in-game shot

Although nothing new, these games are extremely well executed with my personal favorite being Wheel of Fortune. Great graphics and convincing sound effects enhance gameplay quite a bit. This package is the perfect quick entertainment during those work breaks...
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Jokerpoker, Blackjack, Wheel of Fortune:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Return From The Isle

By Alessandro Betori

Return From The Isle opening screenReturn From The Isle in-game shot

If you feel like taking a break from arcade games and instead exercising some grey matter, then this challenging graphic adventure puzzler is for you. You have been shipwrecked on an apparently deserted island (or is it?), and have to somehow find your way back to civilization. How of course is up to you, but be prepared for a lot of head scratching as you decipher cryptic messages and search for needed items. Solutions and hints are included to be consulted as a last resort. Good luck, you will need it...
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Return From The Isle:
[zipped TIFILES format]
[zipped V9T9 .DSK Format]

Star Wars

By Alessandro Betori

Star Wars opening screenStar Wars in-game shot

This is a very well done mixed XB and assembly arcade game on the theme of Star Wars. You are the pilot of a rebel starfighter out to destroy wave after wave of Empire fighters. Use the joysticks to maneuver your ship and fire laser beams at the enemy ships which are rendered in 3D and can fire back at you. If you succeed in clearing the fighters, then you have to tackle the death star trench run, avoiding obstacles on the way. Take enough damage and you blow up, and there are 3 levels of difficulty. Smooth high resolution graphics and sharp sound effects along with a great intro make this game an instant classic. Two thumbs way up!!!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Star Wars:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Alessandro Betori

Goblins opening screenGoblins in-game shot

In this hybrid XB and assembly arcade game, you are a fearless adventurer facing relentless and deadly floating ghosts through five very detailed scrolling screens with a boss battle at the end with a monster. Use the arrow keys to move around the screen and press the spacebar to fire a lightning arrow. This game is the first example I have seen of including sampled music and speech in a program, to great dramatic effect. It is however very tough as I can barely make it past the first screen... Definitely worth a try!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Goblins:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Spring Heeled Jack

By Graham Marshall

Spring Heeled Jack opening screenSpring Heeled Jack in-game shot

In this platform game, you are a well trained jumper who has to navigate through nasty corridors with migrating holes and falling objects and try to get to the top of the building. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done because you will likely meet an untimely death unless you have perfect timing. Tough game, yet surprisingly addictive and well executed.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: SPHLDJK

Download Spring Heeled Jack:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By P. Strassen

Patscram opening screenPatscram in-game shot

This is a very entertaining and original space game where you pilot a spaceship and have to maneuver it through many obstacles to reach your destination, including aliens and asteroids. Great demonstration of the power of sprites and color on the TI, requiring exacting control from the player. Nicely done.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM. Joysticks optional
Executable to run: PATSCRAM

Download Patscram:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Asteroid Belt

By JB Freeware

Asteroid Belt opening screenAsteroid Belt in-game shot

As the pilot of a spaceship trapped in a tunnel full of roaming asteroids, your mission is to skillfully maneuver your ship to avoid collision and collect fuel dumps. There are up to 9 levels with a variety of ship speed and asteroid density, and your score depends on the amount of fuel collected. Fast reflexes a must!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: ASTEROID

Download Asteroid Belt:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

The Beetle Walk

By R. Trueman

The Beetle Walk opening screenThe Beetle Walk in-game shot

Walking beetles do not usually generate vivid images of fun, but this game certainly does as you guide a bright red beetle through 5 different screens full of dangers. Each screen has a different objective, making for varied and non-repetitive play using the arrow keys. Original and entertaining.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: BEETLE

Download The Beetle Walk:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Ice Cream Van

By Jacques Groslouis

Ice Cream Van opening screenIce Cream Van in-game shot

If you have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and would like to test your skills, then this is the game for you. In a nutshell, you are starting an Ice Cream business and have to remain solvent by the end of 21 days of business. This requires a multitude of decisions such as which ice cream types to buy, expansion, advertising, fuel consumption, repairs etc... While the program presentation is minimalist, the game itself is one mother of a challenge. Give it a try and it will permanently humble you.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: ICECREAM

Download Ice Cream Van:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Space Scout

By G. Raben

Space Scout opening screenSpace Scout in-game shot

In this game, you are the pilot of a scout spacecraft with the mission to collect cargo modules while avoiding asteroids on your way. You have limited amounts of fuel but can replenish your supplies each time you collect a module. There are random and invisible wormholes scattered around that instantly teleport you to a different part of the field. Requires good dexterity with the arrow keys and a good sense of timing. Gameplay is spiced up with good sound effects and speech. Definitely enjoyable but oddly frustrating...
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM. Speech Synthesizer optional.
Executable to run: SPCSCOUT

Download Space Scout:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

TI Sudoku

By Jacques Groslouis

TI Sudoku opening screenTI Sudoku in-game shot

With all the craze about the game of Sudoku, it was only a matter of time before a Sudoku program appeared on the TI, courtesy of Jacques. This great piece of software does not solve the Sudoku puzzle (where is the challenge in that?) but rather organizes the unused numbers in rows, columns and boxes, thus tremendously simplifying the solving process. The interface is very intuitive and the puzzle display clean and sharp. Puzzles can be saved, loaded and typed in using the device of your choice and the program comes with three ready to play puzzles. It certainly made a fan out of me.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: TISUDOKU

Download TI Sudoku:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By JB Freeware

Fireball opening screenFireball in-game shot

This is an excellent pinball game that offers complete control of the design of the pinball layout through the use of an editor. Many different building blocks are available allowing you almost infinite variations. Save and load your designs to and from disk, and then play them, complete with sound effects. Another showcase of the power of XB in the right hands.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: PINBSET

Download Fireball:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Krazy Koala

By Mark and Matt Smetana

Krazy Koala opening screenKrazy Koala in-game shot

This game runs in the spirit of Donkey Kong, but much cuter since you control a Koala with the arrow keys trying to save a baby koala from a nasty monkey. That monkey is making your task much more difficult by throwing rocks at you, and there is also a hungry hawk roaming the field looking for a good meal. You can score additional points by eating the fruits scattered around, and you must reach the baby before the countdown timer runs out. The faster you are, the higher your score. Excellent graphics. Have you hugged a koala today?.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: KOALA

Download Krazy Koala:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Sky Rescue

By John Behnke

Sky Rescue opening screenSky Rescue in-game shot

In a rather original game, you are the pilot of a plane on a highly perilous mission to rescue people kidnapped by terrorists. The prisoners are held in a walled fortress and you have to shoot down the walls in order to create an opening and swoop down and pick up the hostages. If that was not hard enough, the terrorists have surface to air missiles that come at you intermittently. Excellent sound effects and addictive play.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks.
Executable to run: RESCUE

Download Sky Rescue:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Galaxy Lander

By John Behnke

Galaxy Lander opening screenGalaxy Lander in-game shot

This is a very well done XB version of the ever popular Lunar Lander game. You command a lander and your mission is to land on a variety of solar system moons and planets each with a different gravitational field. You have limited amounts of fuel, so every engine firing counts. Instead of numeric velocity representations, you have a simple but elegant graphical gauge that helps you get down within landing velocity specs. Each time you crash, you lose a third of your fuel. The graphics are crisp and smooth, making for addictive play helped by good sound effects.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: GALAXY

Download Galaxy Lander:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Missile Command

By JB Freeware

Missile Command opening screenMissile Command in-game shot

When I first played this game, I had a hard time believing that it was coded in XB. It is a really faithful port of the classic Missile Command down to the sound effects and the ominous end screen, with only a few minor allowances for the TI limitations. Your objective is simple: shoot down the incoming missiles before they destroy all your cities. Your score depends on the amount of counter missiles and intact cities you have left after each wave. Good luck soldier!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks.
Executable to run: MISSILE

Download Missile Command:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Spider Bop

By John Behnke

Spider Bop opening screenSpider Bop in-game shot

The very simple premise of this game is to punch falling spiders in order to push them back up. Unfortunately, there are many of them and they have the nasty habit of always wanting to get back down. The longer you can keep them off the bottom of the screen, the higher your score. This is a tough exercise in concentration made even more challenging by three levels of difficulty which vary the strength of the punch.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: SPIDER

Download Spider Bop:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Bowling Champ

By John Behnke

Bowling Champ opening screenBowling Champ in-game shot

Bowling simulations are tough to create, but this version is very well done within the graphic limitations of the TI. You basically have a top down view of a bowling lane with a bowling ball cycling top to bottom and randomly varying speeeds. You have to hit the spacebar at the right moment in order to launch the ball down the lane from its present location. You also have the option of slightly curving the travel path by using the arrow keys. Scoring is accurately calculated and depicted. Basic sound effects spice up the game. Overall a nice entertaining game that relies a lot on your sense of timing.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: BOWLING

Download Bowling Champ:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Boa Alley

By Tarik Isani

Boa Alley opening screenBoa Alley in-game shot

Definitely a very original game! You are the next incarnation of a boa constrictor (you must have been really bad in a previous life...) and you need to eat white blobs which appear at random while avoiding entangling yourself in your own tail. Easier said then done because the snake keeps moving and you can only control its direction, hence requiring quick thinking and path planning. Guaranteed entertainment!
Requirements: XB cartridge, tape or disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: BOA

Download Boa Alley [TIFILES format]


By Unknown Author

Asteroids opening screenAsteroids in-game shot

Excellent recreation of the venerable Asteroids arcade game where you have to maneuver your spaceship through asteroid fields and blast away everything around you. Puts the TI graphics and sounds to good use and manages to grab your full attention. Well done. Note: If you know the author of this program, please let me know so I can give due credit.
Requirements: XB cartridge, tape or disk drive.
Executable to run: ASTEROIDS

Download Asteroids [TIFILES format]


By Greg Kean

Romeo opening screenRomeo in-game shot

From the creator of Bouncer we have this action platformer in the spirit of Jungle Jim. As Romeo, you are trying to obtain a reward (I don't know what it is because I have not been able yet to finish the game...) by completing several dangerous treks consisting of desert dune hopping, crocodiles and sharks killing, as well as cavern crossing. The controls are simple but require very precise timing. The graphics and animations are above par. In summary, I hate sharks!
Requirements: XB cartridge, joysticks, tape or disk drive.
Executable to run: ROMEO

Download Romeo [TIFILES format]

TI-Tris Version 3

By Program Innovators

TI-Tris opening screenTI-Tris in-game shot

Finally a great game of classic Tetris on the TI! Use the joystick to maneuver differently shaped falling bricks into place in order to create one or more solid lines that disappear and add to your score. See how many point you can rake up before the bricks stack up to the top. The graphics and presentation give this well designed game a distinctly Russian flavor. If you like the original Tetris, then you will love this version.
Requirements: XB cartridge, joysticks, disk drive.
Executable to run: TITRIS

Download TI-Tris [TIFILES format]

Crazy Cliff

By R. Trueman

Crazy Cliff opening screenCrazy Cliff in-game shot

Strangely addictive but also frustrating, this programs borrows from the spirit of Alpiner and substitutes a towering skyscraper. As Crazy Cliff, and you have to be crazy to attempt this, you are dead set on scaling all the skyscrapers in your town while dodging flower pot throwing pranksters, low flying jets and bird poop among other things. To make matters worse, windows open at random leading to a deadly fall if you happen to be on one. The difficulty level is incremental and the graphics are well done. One of my personal favorites.
Requirements: XB cartridge, joysticks, tape or disk drive.
Executable to run: CLIFF

Download Crazy Cliff [TIFILES format]


By Dennis Webber

Backgammon opening screenBackgammon in-game shot

This is the best XB backgammon game I have seen so far, with excellent and speedy AI as well as good clear graphics. Play mechanics are very simple, allowing you to concentrate on the game proper. Highly recommended for the backgammon fans among you.
Requirements: XB cartridge, tape or disk drive.
Executable to run: GAMMON

Download Backgammon [TIFILES format]

Grab The Money And Ski

By Peter Blacha

Grab The Money And Ski opening screenGrab The Money And Ski in-game shot

There are numerous skiing simulations for the TI available, but the interesting concept in this one is that you have to grab scattered money bags as you whiz down the slope and avoid obstacles. Your score is determined by the amount of money you collect, not by how far you go, and the difficulty level rises with each completed level. The animations are excellent and control is well balanced. A fun game.
Requirements: XB cartridge, joysticks, tape or disk drive.
Executable to run: SKIING

Download Grab The Money And Ski [TIFILES format]


By unknown author

Battlefront opening screenBattlefront in-game shot

You are the sole attacker in this shoot-em-up game taking on an entire mechanized division. You are equipped with a guided rocket and you have to take down rolling tanks and other support vehicles as they rumble by, as well as trying to shoot down ennemy missiles homing down on you intermittently. Requires good timing and cool nerves. Well executed.
Requirements: XB cartridge, tape or disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: BATTLE

Download Battlefront [TIFILES format]


By Barry Traver

Jump-A-Peg opening screenJump-A-Peg in-game shot

This program has got to be the last word in this timeless solitaire game, at least on the TI platform. You have a choice a no less than 15 variations with many sub-variations as well, making for endless play hours. The basic premise is to hop over adjacent pegs one at a time, eliminating the jumped peg in the process, and trying to end up with a final pre-determined pattern. My brain must not be wired for this kind of play because I have found it to be extremely challenging. Luckily, there is an option to let the computer calculate then demonstrate a solution for you, resulting in the invariable a-ha! and the slap on the forehead. If you are into this kind of entertainment, then this has got to be Nirvana...
Requirements: XB cartridge, tape or disk drive.
Executable to run: SOLITAIR

Download Jump-A-Peg:
[TIFILES format]

[Disk image]

Runway 180

By James Dunn

Runway 180 opening screenRunway 180 in-game shot

Deceptively simple but devilishly difficult, this game hinges on your ability to land a jet that is on final approach. You control the rate of descent, the speed and the landing gear and you need to land the plane without forming a crater as well as bring it to a full stop before reaching the end of the runway. That last part in particular will leave permanent dents on your joystick and quite possibly a sore jaw as you watch with clenched teeth the remaining yards on the runway shrink at an alarming rate while your hand is slamming on the brakes. My absolute best was a score of 880 with 83 yards left. If you can do better, I'd like to hear from you :)
Requirements: XB cartridge, joysticks, tape or disk drive.
Executable to run: RUNWAY

Download Runway 180 [TIFILES format]

Up Periscope

By Pewterware

Up Periscope opening screenUp Periscope in-game shot

For you aspiring submariners out there, this game is right up your alley. Designed by a 20 year submarine veteran, your objective is to hunt and sink enemy ships while avoiding being destroyed by anti-submarine destroyers. Use your sonar to intercept convoys then employ cunning and strategy to sink the target ships and avoid the escorts. Your survival depends on it... You control your course, depth and speed, and can fire up to three torpidoes simultaneously. Good screen layout and graphics manage to capture the tension of real submarine warfare.
Requirements: XB cartridge, tape or disk drive.
Executable to run: PERISCOPE (Enter CALL FILES(1) before loading from disk)

Download Up Periscope [TIFILES format]


By Greg Kean

Bouncer opening screenBouncer in-game shot

Somewhat reminiscent of Q-Bert, this incredibly addictive game will keep you up for hours! You are Bouncer, a balloon like creature trying to gobble squares while desperately avoiding streaming arrows. The main thing is not to panic, and plan your movements around the arrows using the joysticks to hop around. Animations are smooth and you get a different layout with each challenging level. You have to try this game!
Requirements: XB cartridge, joysticks, tape or disk drive.
Executable to run: BOUNCER

Download Bouncer [TIFILES format]

Sea Battle

By unknown author

Sea Battle opening screenSea Battle in-game shot

This is not your run of the mill Battleship game. Instead of a boring grid, you can place 10 ships randomly over your half of the screen (or you can let the computer do it for you) and the computer or second player does the same. Then, a pesky smoke screen descends on the battlefield, blanketing all the ships. Each opponent subsequently takes turn firing a number of volleys based on how many ships are still at his/her disposition, placing each shot on a specific area. If an ennemy ship is hit, then it sinks immediately. In the end, whoever is left standing wins, but you can also lose if you carrier is sunk. Good graphics and sound effects make for a fun and on occasion tense game. Note: If you know the author of this program, please let me know so I can give due credit.
Requirements: XB cartridge, tape or disk drive.
Executable to run: SEABAT

Download Sea Battle [TIFILES format]

Draw Poker

By Dave Brzuchalski

Draw Poker opening screenDraw Poker in-game shot

What's a game collection without a good game of poker? Well, here it is, and a nice one at that. The play is straightforward, the graphics are crisp and clear, and the instructions are included. Great practice before heading to Las Vegas
Requirements: XB cartridge, tape or disk drive.
Executable to run: POKER

Download Draw Poker [TIFILES format]

A Day At The Races

By John Morris

A Day At The Races opening screenA Day At The Races in-game shot

This program manages to capture the excitement of horse race betting quite nicely with excellent presentation and nice animations. Although it can be played solo, it is much more fun to have multiple players as up to 8 can participate at a time and each one can influence the odds. You can even allow a big Texan conglomerate to participate, further changing those odds. Whether you bet with peanuts or greenbacks, lots of fun will be had
Requirements: XB cartridge, tape or disk drive.
Executable to run: HORSE

Download A Day At The Races [TIFILES format]


By Richard J. Mirus

Othello opening screenOthello in-game shot

Classic recreation of the game of Othello, with very nice presentation and features, especially the time constraint on your thinking. The strong AI will keep your brain cells working and the computer can even play itself! Definitely as good as the cartridge based game from CBS. Classic entertainment.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, tape or disk drive.
Executable to run: OTHELLO

Download Othello [TIFILES format]


By unknown author

Eliza opening screenEliza in-game shot

The doctor here is always in. Eliza is a brilliant and humorous computer incarnation of a psychotherapist who converses with you in plain English, trying to solve your most twisted mental problems. The answers are frequently obtuse, essentially drawing you into spilling more of your guts. This program was originally designed as a serious analytical tool, but fortunately for us it turns out to be highly entertaining. You will come back to it time and again. Note: If you know the author of this program, please let me know so I can give due credit.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, tape or disk drive.
Executable to run: ELIZA

Download Eliza [TIFILES format]

Lost Ruins

By B.J. Bruns

Lost Ruins opening screenLost Ruins in-game shot

This program initially appeared in 99'er magazine. You are a distant descendant of earthlings in search for the original Earth. You have just landed on a planet and you need to dig around collecting artifacts. You have initially 10 blast charges per life, and you will die in the tunnels if you run out of charges. You need to bring the artifacts to the awaiting surface spaceship to score, and if a member of the expedition dies, then the artifacts stay with him/her unless you can retrieve them. This is quite an original game, and you need good planning in order to maximize yor score.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, tape or disk drive.
Executable to run: LOST

Download Lost Ruins [TIFILES format]

Alien Landing

By Willi Doeltsch

Alien Landing opening screenAlien Landing in-game shot

In this space based shooter, your objective is to prevent alien vessels from landing on your home planet's surface. You command a very powerful cannon which you use to shoot down the aliens. Your score will depend on how long it takes you to finish off each invading wave as well as the number of shells fired. This game is visually brilliant, making full use of Extended Basic's capabilities and has excellent sound effects. Play is relatively easy until you reach the higher levels, but it keeps you coming for more. Two thumbs up!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: ALIENLAND (From DSK1)

Download Alien Landing [TIFILES format]


By Willi Doeltsch

Circus opening screencircus in-game shot

Of all Doeltsch's games, this is my favorite. You are a (hopefully) very talented circus performer, having a great show in front of a large audience. You get to perform many acts, including trampoline jumping, arrow shooting, and seal training among other things. This requires pinpoint precision and great reflexes, otherwise the remains of your broken body are litterally dusted off the stage. Masterfully executed, it is definitely a game you want to try.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: CIRCUS

Download Circus [TIFILES format]

Jump Miner

By Willi Doeltsch

Jump Miner opening screenJump Miner in-game shot

A nicely rendered platform game somewhat inspired by Mario where you are a strong hearted miner trying to explore a mine before time runs out. You can jump over gaping voids, grab scattered hammers for extra points, and avoid slippery slides that hinder your progress. Requires logic and planning as well as good reflexes, which is a rare combination in this type of game.
Requirements: XB cartridge, tape or disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: JUMPMINE (CALL FILES(1) required to run from disk)

Download Jump Miner [TIFILES format]


By Willi Doeltsch

Nanuk opening screenNanuk in-game shot

A twisted version of Frogger having you as an Esquimo hunter going after hapless penguins while trying to avoid roaming bears. You have to cross a pesky river by jumping on top of passing whales, not a small endeavor since they are very slippery. This is a very addictive game with smooth gameplay that will require every ounce of concentration you can muster. After all, the man has got to eat...
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: NANUK (From DSK1)

Download Nanuk [TIFILES format]


By Willi Doeltsch

Stardust opening screenStardust in-game shot

Another space shooter from the talented Doeltsch. You are the pilot of a space fighter defending your planet from invading alien hordes through multiple screens. Requires precision shooting and fast maneuvering. Great graphics and sound effects, a virtual showcase of XB programming.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: STARDUST (From DSK1)

Download Stardust [TIFILES format]


By Mario Beaulieu

Golf opening screenGolf in-game shot

A nicely done golf program from a top down perspective. You get to decide how many holes you want to play, and have a choice of two locations, namely Capri and Iles Bizards. Up to nine players can play simultaneously. Only the ball is animated and the player is represented by a cursor. You get the full range of clubs and there is a wind factor to account for. The game and terrain physics appear to be quite realistic, although the play can be a little slow at times. It is especially fun for multiplayer tournaments. Overall a very well designed game for the golf enthusiast.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, tape or disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: GOLFLOADER

Download Golf [TIFILES format]

Par Fore

By David Yarborough

Par Fore opening screenPar Fore in-game shot

Yet another golfing simulation with better graphics than the previous one as well as animation and speech highlights. Very smooth and entertaining play. Program options are however more limited with only one 18 hole course available and a maximum of 2 golfers. Wind is not taken into account. A nifty feature allows you to magnify the ball direction pointer as well as the hole by pressing the spacebar, thereby enhancing your hit accuracy on the green. Nicely done.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, tape or disk drive. Joysticks and speech synthesizer optional.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Par Fore [TIFILES format]

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